KTMT Recommendation on National Broad Band Corporation (NBBC) is Vindicated
KTMT Recommendation on National Broad Band Corporation (NBBC) is Vindicated
DoT has decided to seek cabinet approval for National Braodband Policy as reported
by ET on 31 Mar 2011. A key recommendation of TRAI in its National Broadband
Plan (NBP) submitted to DoT in Dec 2010 suggests creation of National Optical Fiber
Agency (NOFA) and State Optical Fiber Agencies (SOFAs) so that a time bound plan
realizes a country wide ultra high capacity optical network infrastructure comprising
of national and state back bones which is leased by all operators equally. >
KTMT first suggested the creation of a National Broad Band Corporation (NBBC) on
Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis to realize and operate a national ultra high
capacity fiber optic infrastructure which can be leased by all carriers on a non
discriminatory basis in accordance with a national policy formulated by TRAI on
competitively priced tarrifs. Such a move would ensure that operators do not disrupt
the broadband penetration plan at infrastructure level but fight at applications
and services level for enhanced customer experience.
KTMT was the first to write to IETE in Jan 2010, Secretary Planning Commission in
Feb 2010 and Chairman TRAI in May 2010 articulating the need for establishing NBBC
on the above lines. TRAI incorporated this recommendation modified as NOFA and SOFAs
in its NBP submitted to DoT on 08 Dec 2010.
National broadband infrastructure being capital intensive, requiring government
clearances, Right Of Way (ROW) etc, KTMT re-iterates that PPP based NOFA and SOFAs
akin to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) managed by professionally organized
boards is much better structure than having only government controlled managing